Zanzibar paradise Isl
An other 6 weeks in Zanzibar, and here I am on R&R again, this time I decided to go for the sure value: Zanzibar Isld, its an located North West of the Tanzanian cost, right above Comores Isld. It is not very visited by the regular tourist, and have a lots of charme! The only expates you will find there are the one whom works in Africa (for most). From Darfur, I flew to Khartoum, a little stop for 4 hours, then off to Nairobi, Kenya. Another hours passes by and this is the last flight for Zanzibar! Of course as for all my travels I was alone, and didnot know anything as to where are the right places to go. I just decided that for this late arrival I would spend a day in the capital of the island "Stone Town". It looked very tropical with all the Zing roofs and all the palm trees surrounding the town. People there from the begining appeared to be very attracted by travelers, of course like in every other beautiful places, when the landscape and nature is so rich, the people are the opposite! Travelers means money to them, and there is hundreds of people running after you to offer you service provision, they offer everything, Bike rental, boat trips, drugs, hotels... you name it! After some wondering around town, I found a hotel and decided to drop the bags and start the holidays with a drink and a nice dinner. Alone, in the town, it feels a little bit sad, and lonely, but hey, there is nothing I can do about that.
I was already thinking about the next day for which I had the plan of getting a motorbike and drive around the entire island. Fortunately for me, and for him, I met one of the business seekers in the restaurant where I was having this dinner. He offered me all sorts of things, but somehow, I felt he was an honest and nice person. I gave it a go, and booked a motorbike with him for the next day. That times the feelings were right, he presented me all his family, which all had one business or an other, and I got my bike sorted presto the next day. I should mention that with the bike i received a Tanzanian Driving license signed and approved by the local authorities :-) hihi! There I was off on the bike, and crossing villages and palm forest across the island. I soon reached the South of the island where I was hoping to settle for a while. Though, when I arrived there, it was desert, and none was present. Only the local people were there, I should also say that in April is the start of the rainy season and that tourist, the few there is arent so kind to take showers!Since there was nobody and that I was seeking for a minimum of a social context, I decided to head off directly up north where it is suppose to be the nicest part of the Island. It took me nearly two hours to reach the place, but when I arrived, I was reward generously by an astonishing sunset, and a beautiful chill out place where i already knew I would settle for the rest of my trip! The perfect spot. just about enough travelers around with who talking about nothing and everything, and an amazing scenary! I stood there for the 4 following days, and returned to the sand and problems of Darfur :)
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