Welcome to Kasmir
K asmir, This is now where I am. I should stay here for another 2 weeks. I arrived yesterday and started my stay here with a strong head pain du to the altitude. I went to sleep all day to try and get it sorted which worked after a solid 6 hours nap! So basically it has been a day for nothing in terms of work! Today, it is raining, and there it makes work a lot more difficult, I am supposed to install antennas on a 45 m mast, and trust me, its not what I like to do the most. Through, its part of the work, so I ll have to challenge myself with this one! At least the view from up there should be even more beautiful than where I am now. Tonight, at 16h00 I wanted to go trekking with a couple of local pakistanese collegues, but I guess I wont have the time for it. Its already 14:45 and I have not yet installed a bolt up there! Thought I would wait a little that the rain stops to get there, meanwhile started writting this little bit. Pakistan keeps on amazing by its amazing beauty! Maybe its the contrast with Sudan which hits me the most, but these high mountains with snow and mist in the morning are just breath taking... Maybe it is also to do with the legend saying that if you get to the highest mountain pic around here, and if the weather is clear! you could see the Hymalaya! I dont beleive yet in this "legend" since the distance between here and there is of about 1400Km!! A hell of a view if you can see it from here. At my current position the altitude is of about 2500m above sea level, which is not that high, but already the breathing is different! No smoking makes it a lot easy and it is good that I have stopped! Anyway, as things goes, I hope I will have more pictures like the one below to offer you! Until then, I m going back to work. ;-)