It took me a few days of thinking before i felt able to get up there. Then, yesterday early morning, I decided that it was the time to go for it and just beat the adrenaline rush! I made the first 25 meters with no big problems, but past that stage, I started sweating a lot and feeling the moves of the tower. It wasn't like properly moving as a tree would do, but it was twisting on it self and all the way through down to the ground! The most interesting part in this is that you should have no reasons to fear anything! The tower is usually well maintained by iron wires on all side, and is designed to support such an event! However, it is the mind which is not design at this stage to just walk up there like on the sandy beach! It took me such an effort to get through this "what about if...... is it going to hold..... am I really abe to......" questions. Eventually I found the motivations to make it up the top and install the required stuff up there! The reward: an absolutely stunning panoramic view on the whole camp and its surrounding which you would not guess from the ground! when you are up there you feel like you are invisible to all, and that you can observe a whole world of activities. Since you have a fairly long distance view, you can choose to live in the view down the tower, or just about over there in the mountains near by! Then, just like it this wasnt enough, once you are down the tower, you feel happy, very happy and it is not because you have been up there watching the view, but it is because you have managed to do something you thought you would not be able to do! This is what I think is the important thing to keep from this! I will always remember this experience and carry it with me as much as I can! Sometimes, its worth a try to fight with yourself to grow!
Great picture guy! J'adore passer sur ton blog et avoir de tes news. Je suis en auvergne dans un monastère tibétain... Chacun sa route, mais je pense à toi. bisous. Audrey(tu sais de Chengdu)
Pareil ici, ca fait tres longtemps mais dans ma tete cetait hier! tres honore de ta presence!
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