Just now, I am writting from this little place, I have, and where I can spend time: sleeping and relaxing, thinking and writting, listening to music, getting away from everything and anyone.... its the place where I only spend so little time, but where I enjoy so much freedom. Of course, im talking about my compartement (bed) in the common tent shared by about 20 other people.
We have those beautiful separations which only isolate you from the other regards, I say, "from the look" because, you still can hear, can smell..etc everything. After all, it is only a thick sheet separation between the neightbourgh and yourself. Itimacy isnt the best thing here, but where your mind goes is pure freedom. Regardless of the noise and smells, when I travel there I then can allow myself all the fantasy and dreams I ever wish to have, I can rewind parts of my life and revisit my experiences, be it pain, be it love, be it anything, its always with an amazing pleasure that meet You in my thought, You, My people, the Ones I have shared something with at any time in my life. Be it Love, be it Friendship or just a random minute, it has been part of my thoughts many times. This is how I feel when isolate from all, and sometimes lonely. It is of course not all green like it looks. For sure I love my work, I love life, but most of all, I love you. you who read my web, my email, or make my journey through life such an extraordinary trip. . And in all this Green, there is the Other Side, this one even Greener, where sometimes I wish I would be, with you my people.