Saturday, August 26, 2006

Few pictures from Burkina Faso

Unfortunately, I didn't get too much time to picture around in burkina, but at least I took a few picture from the roads on my way through the work itinary.

I didnt know that crocodiles are a sacred reptile (in BKF)! like the cow is to India,while the lovely Geko (the one that wakes you up at 4:00 in the morning) is evil, and must be killed when inside a house (apparently, the Geko would bring bad luck, and could be used by the "voodoos"' to spell cast darkness) !

On the road between Fada N'gourma and Dori, its about 4 hours drive, and you do need to have a 4WD during the rainny season! You might also want at time to have a swimming suit on while sitting in the car, you never know, it could all suddenly swing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great, get some from the desert in Mauretania, too please!