I might want to share my experiences, I might just want to write to myself, I already found this so useful sometimes.Anyway, it's here, Enjoy or leave it... In any case, thanks for the visit and good luck to you!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Rest the last but not the least!
At last, its time to get some rest...... pfffffff.... pfffff, this is a wierd moment, where confusion mixes up my mine as i have seriously lost any concept on the word "Home". I remember writting something about taking my home everywere I go... I guess it is still true, but god its been hard this year to even have time to think about home. This intense moving around has been a blomsom of experiences in the deepest parts of quite a few ccountries of africa! I have checked this year odometer, and it turned out that I have done more than 65000 miles by air this year, and more than 10000Km by car in the last 5 months! Checked in/out an estimated 6o hotels, and slept in about 50 different places that were peoples place, outside, offices and so forth! I have been home 2 times since last december, and spent 2 month seeing the family, the rest of this has been 10 months on the move. more than 30 flight were taken, and I went via paris in transit 9 times this year!
Tonight will be my departure for France at 2345, thats the last flight of the year, hopefully!!!!!!
When I arrive home, it will be some xmas spirit already in all minds but then, at the moment, I have no clear idea of where i'll stand in that! of course, and as it always does now, Ill be more confortable with it after a few hours back in europe! it always does that, you arrive in a new place, you feel it with you eyes and hears, and then an hour later, you are settlted in your headspace again. Not that you know really where you are but physically, but you know where you are in your head within your head. In fact, its like if my environment has shrinked to the size of a water melon. Its not important anymore where my body goes, its where my head goes that matter. In the end, when you travel extensively and alone, you loose all your marks to which you would usually refer to for guidance in all you do. The same way you use your memories of a particular moment to try and replicate the same action with no errors, you find yourself refering to a lot more things you carry in your head to manage your life in the outside environement. Its actually hard to explain this to myself, and I feel that Im writting none sense right now, as i dont exactly know what this is all about. I have not been updating this blog for sometime, simply because I have had not a single moment to think about it, or energy to take the time to work on it. Its been hectic and fantastic, but now im glad to go home! I'll probably be off for 2 month from now, but who knows what emergency may rise in 2007!
I have learned a lots of things this year, technics, cultures, peoples..... and 2007 will be the time to put it all in application for the next expriences! Below I ve put a few pictures of the recent places I have been to...
In order from up to down: Mauritius Airport, Nkayi - Congo RoC, Cameroon - Yaounde - Roger Milla the football legend, Madagascar - Fabrice and Fabrice, Madagascar - Anbrossary - Croco, Madagascar - Aboassary, Madagascar - Lemurien -Amboassary, Madagascar - Abovombe - Two beautiful girls
Friday, October 13, 2006
Senegal - Dakar
This is a few pictures from what Bissau looks like, Creole is a language I dont really master at all, but I manage to get around with french! I had a great time over here, and head this afternoon for Dakar Senegal! Tonight should be pretty cool, I'll hopefully meet up with a friend family and relax at least for tonight! Tomorrow, is off to Doula via Abijan, where I'll roam around the country for 16 days of hardcore duty!! yeahhhhh..... I can't wait to have some holidays....
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Next Destination
Leaving Thursday 29th, West africa.
1) Dubai - Milan (6 hours) - Dakar (8 hours) - Guinea Bissau (15 days)
2) Guinea Bissau - Paris (??) - Cameroon (10 Days)
3) Cameroon - Paris (??) - Brazaville (15 Days)
Return to Dubai.
For the moment I'm staying in Duabi and having a lots of work, but still a lots of fun anyway. Hard to find the time to write in here, but surely I'll soon get bored, or inspired soon to write some more interesting stuff on here, I guess Pakistan was one of the most inspiaring place since I started this blog!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Centrale African Republic
Welcome to the Centrale African Republic! Here is a totally different scenario to the previous two countries! We are now 5 degrees north of the equator, and yet the vegetation is much more somptuous than previously! 60m high trees, very black people, Magnoc is predominantly cultivated, and resources abondant! However, this is also still africa, which means that; corruption, famine, rebellion, road banditery are a part of the "system".
I arrived here early this week, and will leave this saturday, so its not much time to make an opinion of a place with many hidden secrets! Tension is here, people are agressive in asking you money all the time, and getting ripped off is what to expect when buying anything! Womens look at you like if you were a walking golden stick, and mans follows you like if you had something for them! Anyhow, there is still peace of mind to who knows how to talk to them.
I went to a place called Bouar, in the north west of the country, there, it is very rural with a lots of magnoc farms. They live in reddish bric houses all located by the main road.They are very very friendly! A smile is sufficient to wake up a crowed of kids around you! The scenary, is very green with a lots of trees, its a semi-jungle like landscape! There are not really much to see apart from trees and bushes! The aera, is also under constant pressure with the bandits coming from Tchad. Unfortunately, its an aweful drama up there, due to them! They attack constantly villages, rape womens, kill children and entire families, just to get robe the very little these have. They turn upsidedown entire villages to get nothing sometimes! People are scared, but have no choice than to keep their business running, and try to sell their magnoc by the road side! I will always have a deep respect and admiration for theses so poor people, but yet so beautiful in there hearts and so courageous! My feeling about CAR are not yet clear, and I wouldnt like to give the wrong impression to anyone, and certainly not to myself, so, as usual, I ll paste a few pictures here. Meanwhile I'll try to know a little bit more about this very mystic place!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
hmm... well, I guess thats all I had to write tonight, I did feel very motivated for writting something but then, it just has all vanished... I guess its a good sign... means I dont have to wonder about anything then.... or should I? should I actually wonder about the fact of having nothing to say? Nevermind!!! pfff.....
I wish you all best of love and luck, love life, love everyone. Stop messing with yourself and trying to find answers to things you are not yet granted to know about. It will come on its time, and you wont have anything to wonder about it!
Note: Don't hink ill read this post as Im not exactly sure why I wrote it and what I wrote in it... wierd..
Saturday, September 02, 2006
House of the world
Thursday, August 31, 2006
2000 Kms journey of joy!
Im almost done with this hectic journey through south Mauritania. I had no idea, once more and as always, I discovered just one more of the wonders that nature has donated! Going on this long journey round the bush to do the job, sounded like a rather tiering thing, but at this stage, after the 1900Km we have done in 2 days, 100 Km seems like 10, and 3 hours sleep, like 6! The reward of course, is to see the unbelievable scenaries Mauritania has to offer! Anyway, since my great friend and brother from Pakistan asked me for Dunes, I guess its time to start the show!
This is just for you "Baba", you asked for Dunes, so here is my gift :-) I hope Pakistan is going along, soon you will be rewarded! Home sweet home! Ill write up some more soon, but very much on the move at the moment! Im sure you know how it goes!
This is when the green comes in! Animals here are free, they have so much flat and free space, it would probably take a life time to get across! Of course, the "Berger" aren't far, and alsway know where to find their troops at sunset!
I love africa, and trust me, its a much richer land that some thinks, its probably far beyond a lot of people's concept of happiness, but a smile like this, is on every face here, and yet, they have nothing. I Could't resist put up the below one, we stopped there to buy milk, straight out of the cow, and these kids bought me even more happiness! Tomorrow, I'll see them again!
Note for my friend below:
J'espere que tu verras cette photo, meme si je sais que tu n'arrivera peut etre pas a la trouver, faute d'internet, je sais que peut etre, tu liras ce message que nous avons laisser pour toi! Bonne chance, et que Allah te protege!
Keyve hallouka, ya akhi.Nahnou vi kaedi, nousselimou ka. Allah ya awnak ente wo khaimatak. Ahlen wo sahlen.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Mauritania (Western Africa Coast)
Its also a 700 Km white sand beach sea front. Petrol has been recently found here, and of course, foreign companies have started emerging in the capital, encouraging a rise in price of everything! Hotels have now trippled their prices in some places! 25% of the Mauritanian population is in the capital Nouakchott, and the diversity ethnologic present here is impressive!
If you have Google Earth INSTALLED, Download this, and open it! :-)
Here (in the north of the country), you can find the longest trains in the world (G.earth click here), which relay the Fer mines cargos to the port!
This vast and infinite beach and green see so far retained most of my attention! But lets see what else there is when I return from the in-coutry trip (see map).
Distances across the country are huge, and tomorrow, when I'll leave for the begining of the mission, I'll hopefully be prepared for some of the longest trips by road I have ever done! "Aioun" is at more than 1000 Kms from Nouakchott, and all this as to be done in one go on the return! Youpiee!!! :)
Anyway, hopefully I will have a lot more picture soon! I'll be back on Wednesday, inshallah. But so far I really like this dry and desert country!
Few pictures from Burkina Faso
I didnt know that crocodiles are a sacred reptile (in BKF)! like the cow is to India,while the lovely Geko (the one that wakes you up at 4:00 in the morning) is evil, and must be killed when inside a house (apparently, the Geko would bring bad luck, and could be used by the "voodoos"' to spell cast darkness) !
On the road between Fada N'gourma and Dori, its about 4 hours drive, and you do need to have a 4WD during the rainny season! You might also want at time to have a swimming suit on while sitting in the car, you never know, it could all suddenly swing!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Burkina Faso (Western Africa)
Now I am back on track, and already, I should speak in the past of the Burkina Faso! I arrived in Dubai around the 2nd of August, and after spending a suprising 2 weeks there,I was eventually sent to an other mission than the one they were planning for me. In fact, when I was in france I was told I would go for some south american countries, which I was honestly really happy to go to ( i have never been to south america), but at last, it came up with a delay! So meanwhile I had to do something else, untill the other missions gets confirmed.
Round the 15th of August, I arrived in Ouagadougou, the capital of this little country that is Burkina Faso (use to be called "Haute Volta"). It is surrounded by Ghana, Mali, Niger, Ivory cost, Benin. Its a small country and you can easily get across in a long day of drive! For my side, I only roamed around the eastern side and the capital! With only 8 days, I had to rush a little everything and get my stuff done on time! I stopped by the towns of: Ouagadougou, Fada N'gourma, Dori and Bani where I spent a night (except Bani)! It is a very nice feeling to be able to communicate in your own language! Indeed, in Burkina Faso, people speak French as a primary language, at least in the capital and big cities! I had to catch up with my french which has been the least of my words for the last two years living in my suit case! I will remember most from this sample I got of Burkina Faso, the kindness of the people, the roads flooded of water, the Malienne Mosques of Bani, and of course all the people which I had the honor to spend time with!
I dont have much time right now to write much, but at least this is what I could do for now. Ill paste below a few pictures more!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
"I Take my life everywhere but Home"
Its now only two weeks to go before the start of my holidays, its been 5 months spent in Pakistan, and its been an other mind expanding and twisting experience! I can only now, 7 days away from the end, feel the release of this undercover stress that has been accumulating during all this time. Its like its slipping out of my body little by little and whenever I take the time to look at it releasing me!
This is how it does since I have started this work. It’s a cocktail of emotions and discovery in everything who makes me. Before, when I was in Europe, it was a whole lot different, although I was living in different country and de-rooting myself all the time to experience the life in new countries all the time. I was near home, just a country away from France. I often get asked the question: “Where are you from? Where do you live?”. This is one of the trickiest question to answer for me. Or at least its been until quite recently! What should I say? Oh, I am from France, Brittany more exactly! Or should I say: “ hmm, I don’t actually know dear!”. Either way, it shows that there is something unusual in me that makes me end up in this kind of unexpected troubles.
This goes with the fact that, apart from my parents and two brother, I don’t really have anyone that cares about me. This means that if my family was not there, I would definitely a nomad! I would not necessarly need to go to France on a regular bases. I would not really belong to there! I have moved house about 12 times throughout my childhood, and until the age of 19. By the time, I reached 19, I had lived in all sorts of area which is not city! Country side, small village, small towns, away from pretty much everything a city can bring. Then, by 19, I somehow started moving on my own, and again, from one country to an other. Until I start this humanitarian work, I had moved through 5 different country, and in each lived a life like every others, just like if this country was going to be my new home! However, everysingle time a new country becomes my home, its starting over the whole process of assuming that France is my home! Now that I am on mission, things have taken a higher pace, and rather than starting again a new life every time I land somewhere, I now skip this part where I find a job, I look for a flat..etc, this is all gone now, and everytime I go on a new mission, I already have with me my home! My home is myself, and my suitcase! There is nothing else material in my life that follows me in my life! My suit case is all I have when living for months in a place! What more would I need anyway! There is so much happening around already, that by the time I dropped my suitcase, I have already too much discovered around me to worry about this “little” thing. Im going to be living here and there for while, and whether I have a house/home to myself , is not relevant to what is going to become my life! The people I meet, and spend time with are my life, the things I do to change things or to understand are my life! The rest, doesn’t matter really! It all just a question of having been brought up with roots that reminds me that I am French.
I try to go home as much as I can, but so far, in the last two years I have only managed to return home 3 times and for periods of 6 weeks maximum! Sometimes, I feel guilty, I feel that I am not being a good child to not spend more time with my parents. My loving family which has been the ones to provide me with that special love I needed to keep me on track at times. The best part of this, is that they all understand, and despite the sadness it generates sometimes, they only want me to be happy and do what I have to do. What I have to do is enjoy and live as much as possible of this life journey, its to make sure that everyday I live is a useful and energizing day! And love does not mean possession to neither of us! Love is the key, wherever I am, whatever I do, they are always here in my heart and on the first seat! If ever, I m asked to return home, I will, but on their end they will never do that, because they know I have to live, the de-count started the day I m born! And there’s no time to loose, cause everyday is step further on my journey! This love with the family is unbreakable!
“I take my life everywhere, but not home” why do I say that. Well, if you think about it, my life is for 85% of the year in mission, somewhere in the world, and having defined a little more what’s my home and family while on mission, I see that after all I have with me all I need to call it my life out there. We also often define home as the place we spend most of the time! I spend most of the time with my suitcase & family love, so in a way, I guess that’s where I’m from. A normal life in a strange package! But all in all its exactly the same as if I was home with them all the time! Except that here, it intensify the love to its edge! My home with family is in my head and heart! The rest, it does not matter. When I go home, I am on holidays! Surprisingly, going home, is me without stress, without the suitcase, and environement, me without this daily discoveries and people. When I go home, its just to relax and enjoy physical presence of my family, share time with them, and not think about anything of life. To resume it simply, think about the one with a daily job in a banque, and a small family! Imagine, that this person, goes on holidays, he lives behind him/her is home and marks. He goes away from home! And when he return, its welcome back! Back to work, to the friends, to the Sunday bingo! Its back to “Normal” again! For me, it’s the opposite, my friends, my suitcase sized home, and my family love is with me all the time, but when I return, I remain with only my family! Everything else has vanished! The discovery, the new cultures, the friends from dubai… just everything! So when I get home, somehow, its like I left my “home” for holidays!
My life is made of the people I meet like you Geirr, and like all the others! Its my family and you all. So, when I don’t have you all, these people of the world, I don’t feel at home! I have to pay a visit to everyone, and see everyone’s home and culture! That is where my life is! And as my family is in my heart is all I need!
Monday, May 22, 2006
A twisting story
I decided to go there, and got ready to jump in a cab to head towards his place. This friend of mine (Chokot) lives in a place called Rawilpindi. It is right next to Islamabad, through, its a completely different standard of living there. Islamabad is gathering most of the richest people in Pakistan, and sparkle huge signs of upper class town. When I arrived, he was there in the street waiting for us (me & taxi) to arrive and show us where to precisly go to reach his very hidden place. Through some very narrow street where you could certanly fit at most two donkeys side by side, we found a metal green gate to a main building coridor. He was happy to have me on that special day off. On the week end, in this country and most of the muslim countries I have been to before, the mans like to enjoy relaxing all day and doing nothing but chatting with friends, sleeping and eating. I was here to have a more accurate sample of this saying, and check this out by myself. What is exactly happening in those closed houses on the week ends. First of tho, I was there to enjoy being with this friend, and try spend some great time chilling and tasting the locally made food. His "House" looked more like an old appartement on the ground floor. It was separated from the corridor by a thin metal door, that was not even reaching the selling, leaving some space for looks from people going up the stairs across his main door. Once you passed this door, it was then a rectangle type of entrance hall in his appartement. All around the rectangle shaped hall, there was doors. In the middle, it was the water tank with its top opening in the middle of that room. For security purpose, it was covered with a ciment cap. He lead me to his room on the left end side. He didnt show me the other rooms, or anything else, straight as I walk in his home, we took me there. It was his own room in all these doors. All the other rooms, were just for each other members of his family living there. His brother lived next door, his father was also living in that place, and so did everyone from his family! The womens were also here that day, but I did not get much to see of them, ill come back on this later.
In his room, was a bed, a cupboard, 4 chairs including two made out of plastic bucket. He invited me to seat there and have some rest while he was going to look for a friend to join us. He left me with his only child: "Abdoullah"! Very soon, I was surrounded by all the childrens of the house! There was Saad, Abdoullah, Oussama, Soha (girl), and probably an other 4 childrens around me. They were entertained by my look, and talks. It's not everyday that they have a guest looking like me. White, looking strange and sounding funny! While I was sitting on the bed, and having fun with the kids, I noticed how much the women were hidding from me. They were in the kitchen, right across the rectangle hall. On the Room door of where I was, the Sheet was pulling on and off to hide away the kitchen. Everytime a children was passing by, the sheet was carefully put back so that it hides the vision of the kitchen. The childrens were beautiful, they all had their particular charms but all looked awesome! The ages were from 4 months to 10 years old! The 4 months little daugther of Chokot's brother (my friend) was brought to me by one of the 4 years old kids. It was incredible to see that these kids just get so self managed so quickly without the attention of any adults! Through, soon I was about to learn the drawback of letting kids by their own! First, my friend returned, he was accompained of his good old friend which was a women beauty hairdresser. He came in the room, and sat down opposite of me whom was on the bed. Chokot sat next to me, and we started talking a little. The problem was that I cannot speak much Urdu at all, and he cannot speak much English neither! This meant that we shared a lots of silence together during all this time! I arrived there at about 1200 but only eat something much later at around 1600. All the time we were in his room, we were saying not much, entertain the kids, and hear the womens working very hard in the kitchen.
As we were sitting in the room still, he came up with a terrible story! Something I didnt expect to hear, or even less to see! At some points, he started telling me about his daughter. She was probably a year old when this happened. He pointed out to me the main corridor (the same one I came in the first time) and told me: "It's there Fabrice, Its there that she died!" He wasnt displaying a particular emotion on his head at this time, but certainly wasn't talking about something good that happen. He explain to me that he did not only have this kid I had met (Abdoullah), but that he also had a little girl before that! When he told me about her being dead there, and seeing that he looked confortable about it, I asked him: " What happened, how could it happen?".
Chokot: "She was there, found in the water".
I: "What you mean in the water?"
Chokot: "Yes, let me show you picture".
He looked into his drawers from the cupboard and searched for a photo. He showed me a photo of his daughter, she looked beautiful! Abdoullah, who was with us, screamed out the name of his sister! saying, she is not here, no more.. not here! He wasnt crying or anything, but just shouting out loud her name and saying that she was not here no more.
I was a little worried about asking him more about it, cause I Could not understand this water thing, and why she was dead! So I asked him to tell me more if he could.
Chokot said: "Come with me, I will show you".
I followed him to the main corridor which he was pointing out to previously. We arrived there, and he pointed out to me an humble metal made door. Openened it, and unvealed a Turkish type toilet little room.
Chokot: " She is dead here, right here". He pointed out the bucket that was behind the door!
Just there, there was a blue standard bucket, which you would use for any cleaning purpose in the house. Certainly the Blue bucket was 40Cm high, and just below a water tape emerging from the wall above.
Chokot:" She was washing her hands here, and the soap felt in the bucket...then..".
At this stage I didnt need no more explanation, I was astonished by the aweful accident! Their little daughter of a year old, drawn in a 40cm high bucket filled half way with wather! I stopped him from talking more, and simply and spontanously took him in my arms! I could only feel a fraction of the pain he must have been through, but it was absolutely terrible! This bucket I was seeing there, was the one in which his 1 year old daughter died! I could do nothing, but to give him a big hug, and drop a tear!
He was so calm, and self controlled when talking about it. He did see the horror on my face, and we went back into his room in silent. Soon after this he showed me the hand of one of the other children, he was missing a finger, he had put it in a water pump properller. It showed how much the children are at risks sometimes. They may seem very advance in a lots of things, like walking and sorting themselves out, but it also arent that easy sometimes for them to live so free and close to dangers.
As were cruised along the afternoon relaxing, and doing nothing in the room, the womens of the house where cooking all this time and had at no point been allowed to really spend any presence in the same room than the mans. I have bearly seen them, and I have not had the chance even to actually meet his wife at all. I know that she was one of the women that were cooking there, but didnt know which...
The whole experience of spending a day, at this place was an amazing discovery of what lies behind these close door, which arent very open to strangers. The food was delicious, and despite the terrible story, it was a great afternoon! I enjoyed all of it, bits by bits, and will never forget such a day! If you get the chance, spend a day in a house with these beauiful people!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
House of the World (II)
Local Clothes
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
KKH to Dassu
Our destination, "Dassu", also known as Dusso or Dussu depending on the language, is located 73Km north of Besham, itself located 35 Km from Battagram. Through distances gives a rough idea of the time it should take, here its a completely different story. In time, it takes 3 hours from Battagram to Besham, and count another 2h15 to do Besham - Dassu! a total of 5 h 15 to do 108Km! Nevertheless, it feels like a 2 hours journey! The road is simply the most amazing one I have ever seen! 4 of us in this Toyota buffalo 4wd watching the scenary with speechless thoughts! Pakistan by far, ahead of any place I can think of, is the most stunning, suprising, powerful and fullfilling nature country! During this journey, we came across 7 water falls, including at least 3 of them with more than 1000m falls of water straight out from the source!
Numerous marks of the chinese work are visible on the way, and particulary the bridges! Along the road there is a very strong presence of the China/Pakistan friendship which took place to build this road!
(to be continued...)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
on the fly
Here you are, at the crossing of your options, you choose to take it, and accept all the understanding and fundamental behavior changes it inccur. Or you just decide to leave and restore a balance that you though up to know to be right. You then choose to forget what you just discovered to get yourself confortable with who you've become!
I have choose to go for it, and understand what this stress is generating in me, and what are the other sides I am not looking at while being under this constant pressure from stress. Stress is unattended, and it just pops up without clear warnings. And when you do find out it is here, you then also realise that it's very late in the process to counter strike! Through this was for me a huge challenge, the more I stay here, the more I realise why I am here, and what makes this job and experience the most amazing I've ever had! It took just a trip to the field again this week, to do some work. Going there by car was again an other amazing piece of beautiful feelings! Meeting with these people of Pakistan and knowing that you are here to try and help them as much as you can is such an amazing moment! I love to be here with these people, and share a tea with them, In the end, what matters is what's the most reliable for you, sorrows and wounds arent good to have, and when you are with these people you don't get disapointed. It always a simple and straight thing, its just so easy. Being there and also someway sharing your time with these people is one of the most saticefying and rewarding feeling of all. This, is enough for me to know that I am a privilegier, and that I should be thanksful at all time about this gift of discovering something else, some other part of myself I had never been aware of before. The Nature here is amazing, just as full of emotion as the whole experience itself! In the end, it make you wonder and probably understand that so many people on this planet have to beleive there is a god. I have no religions, but I do see the concept of religion beleif, This nature we are living in, and being part of, is so beautiful and powerful, that it offer no other explanation than magie! Even if science one day demonstrate the A+B of everything, they will, in the meantime demonstrate how uncredible this all is!
Everything's cool! looking forward to home, but not before its all done here! I'l make it... inshallah! :)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Weed is all over the place
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Refering to the previous post... (Break Ups)
I am stuck on the "Reflection" part still. Its lasting for ever and leaves me wondering about "Only after a passage of time will this come. I have realized that there can never ever be a set length of time to get over someone. Pack your lunch, its going to be awhile." in the last phase "Moving On".
Up to now, I could not even imagine thinking about the "Repression" part. But as things dont move and constantly make me feel like to die, and despite my so intense love feelings for her still, I start to see the light of an extremely sad and humiliating conclusion to my phsychic love disorder (thats how I feel like to call it). I will do, go through this repression part at last (i dont hope, but hope), force myself to hate and destroy all the so beautiful images I stored. Its like she kinda helped me so much with getting to this stage I so much didnt wish for. My only rescue is to run, like everyone else, (despite the conviction that this story was just not like all the others) I have no choice but to dig into this phase of false hate, where you have to find reasons for hate to escape the pain of reality ... I have tried so much, I have done thousand kilometers, phone calls, mails, tears, ego sacrifices... but in vain, never got a little reply that could have help me just to get on a smooth transition to "Moving On" without having this ugly "Repression" part at all. Mind you what about if she is well over all this and passed the "Repression" part all the way down to Conclusion, whatever this may be??
Where my "writting to yourself" therapy works, is that as I am reading what I just wrote, I dont beleive a single second that I can go through the "Repressive" phase, despite the aweful pain she's causing me... I have just given myself a little more force to understand and try to cope with the thing. Not all my hopes are gone, and one day I hope I be able to think again straigh about love.
Whatever phase she is in, if still anywhere in that, I guess its the way it goes for all, and we no exception, its just frustrating to have a so real vision of love when things turns to be, in the end, like everyone elses.
pffff, enough.
This sounds familar ? Break ups...
Utter Shock:
It is at this moment when the emotional Hiroshima happens. It usually sounds like "I don't love you anymore." Or in some cases, it is followed up with a Nagasaki of "I left you for Bill/Jane." Or in some rare cases; "I left you for Bill & Jane."
Utter Shock is perhaps one of the most rare extremes of human emotions any person will feel aside from death, marriage and child birth. Revel in it, soak it up poor puppy. Once you hit ocean bottom, it only gets better.
Reflection: "Why the hell did this happen?"
This stage occurs after the initial shock subsides. You search yourself for reasons why this happened and reflect upon it. Sometimes it comes to a point where you make up reasons, or convolute reasons on why this happened. Often this is an attempt to insulate the hurt mind while you weather the pain of the break up. This can be related to an "emotional coma" of sorts. I find that not planning anything beyond the scope of a daily bases is the only way to survive this self induced emotional coma. You can tell when you're better off when the other person can't own up to their mistakes that lead up to the utter execution of your relationship. Time is best spent surrounded by friends who will not be saying stupid things to you like: "Oh well." "Deal with it."
Longing: "Shit I miss him/her." "Wanting them back... take me back please?" It is at this stage the human psyche experiences an intense feeling of loneliness. Regardless of their faults, or the faults in oneself, the person wishes more than anything to be with that other person. This is often a phase where post break-up sex tactics are employed. As if breaking up were not any easier, either party may or may not "prolong the magic". Awkward visits, stalking and abusive and continuous phone calls predominate this. This is one of the most dangerous stages as most couples will regress into their previous relationship.
Repression: "Screw it. I hate her/him."
It is at this stage that a method of coping is dealt with. Nothing can be more therapeutic than realizing how much the other person was a fuck-nut case. Usually one realizes how much stupid shit and hoops you jumped through to gain, maintain, and sustain the love you felt for this person.
Moving on: "Yeah, Fuck it. I'm better off without him/her."
This is the final stage of a break up. Only after a passage of time will this come. I have realized that there can never ever be set length of time to get over someone. Pack your lunch, its going to be awhile. One of the major hurdles that needs to be crossed is the reestablishment of what can be called Belief in Self. In a break-up there is an immense amount of psychological damage. This damage is dealt as both sides try to reconcile their differences and place blame. Much of this results in depreciation of the other half and self-depreciation. Its fair to note that both sides suffer the same ill effects. Both parties suffer the same stages. Though to be fair, the one that "does the damage" suffers less from Utter Shock than the victim does.The most obvious danger posed to most victims is to fall into another relationship. Aptly known as "Rebounding", this effectively retards the recovery stages to a point where a person does not fully "find themselves" after the breakup.
Conclusions: Karmic Mysticism
There is something Karmic about break-ups. What you do will eventually come back to you. I have found that if you break up with someone for a particular reason, it will come back to you. It will generally be so painfully obvious that my reaction is to giggle like a school girl and think. "Damn, serves me right."
I have also learned that the amount of time and effort you put into a relationship is directly proportional to the amount of pain you will swallow in later. Hence, a half-assed relationship, will result in half-assed break-up with little closure. Surprise! The end result is a bittersweet lesson for you. Suffice to say, relationships and their enfolding slaughter-like ends are social facts. They exist and will always happen regardless of how we map our life to avoid them. It’s only through surviving them and in what we do with ourselves afterwards that matters the most.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Office roof.....
Just been on the roof of the office to have some meditation time up there. I have always loved being on the roof anywhere I go. It did not happen so offen as I wished, but still, I have been always sitting on a roof when I had my moments of deep personal reflection. Of course when these happen, I have right after it a need to share, a need to express these things inside my head, just because, it has become so rare to share anything with anyone in Europe. The same way you dont forget your language completly, after not practicing for a long time, you loose contact with your society and forget so many simple things you use to do all the time... Sometimes, I think that its just incredible to see how the mind and human soul can adapt to all sorts of situation. Adapt to no women in the streets, no bed, no name, no nationality.... Hear the eternal sound of the Mosque every morning, day, evenings.... Eat in restaurant everydays, pack the house on a weekly bases.... just so many things which the mind has to change and take in.
When I was in Chengdu, China, I use to go often on the roof. There I had joy, desperation and fun many times. Everytime, when I reach a roof, and sit there in the sun or in the rain, I cannot start anything without remembering Eiffel 65 (blue) on chengdu's roof. Anyway, just to say that its certainly for me up there that I can free up my mind the most. Today, I have been thinking about my home... a little only, I have just bought a house, but I have never really seen it. I am doing a morgage, but I have not really signed the papers..... I have my motobike, my car and a house now which, I should only see for two month this year....
I have also been thinking about the 17th of April, it is a beautiful day for humanity and a so terrible wound of myself. It probably the one date I could remember more than my own birth... Remembering this day, is just like if I wanted to die.... Anyway, this also went through my mind up there... what a deep moment this one is....
About woman, its been a long time since I have had any contacts at all with a women, even for a chit chat meal.... The last time I must have shared a coffe with a ladie must have been in early january.... The last time I felt love, probably, 2 years ago, and then it was not even that., I have met real love once in my life.... Now thinking that it should remain like this, at least I wont end up screwed. Its just such an extremely long & painful effort to recover and beleive that love exists still..
I just needed to write. This blog is the best place I found, it does not have a location, it doesnt have an identity but the one you give to it may be read by someone who understands me, and accessible from where ever I go! what a faithful partner. I enjoy it all... Sudan was an amazing experience, and I miss it sometimes, Pakistan is an other amazing one with a completely different patchwork of experiences. But in the end, it is an other beautiful experience of permanent discovery... Its only when you get down to the core of yourself that you find a good and positive vision on things.. before you get to the core, that's when you pass by all the difficult moment...
Reaching your goal depends a lot on how you understood and lived your journey to it.
Sleeping in the fear of an earthquake
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Lovely reading...
It was not easy to conceive and to execute such a Herculean project particularly in such a monstrous region. No wonder it had been considered impossible by some of the world's biggest consortiums. In fact the construction of the highway involved about thirty million cubic yards of rock blasting and earthwork, over eight thousand tons of explosives and eighty thousand tons of cement and so many other materials and that too in thousands of tons. Approximately fifteen thousand men of the Pakistan Army and the Chinese workers, working shoulder to shoulder, cut through one of the most difficult terrains in the world and toiled under the most trying conditions. It is believed that more than five hundred persons, that is, about one person per mile, lost their lives in the road building process.
The Highway itself is the greatest memorial to those martyrs who sacrificed their lives during blasting, rockfalls, landslides, earthquakes and avalanches. And humanity ows a deep debt of gratitude to all those who lost their lives during the road building. Their success, however, has opened a new chapter in the world's history as this road will be used by generations after generations of the human beings not only to learn about these high mountains and the people who live there in the scattered valleys but also to draw together, in a common pursuit of peaceful trade, as it was once done with great difficulty through the famous Silk Route.
For many centuries caravans braved these tortuous mountains treading precariously along the goat tracks and narrow paths sometimes providing short cuts between the great caravan towns of the Central Asian and rich markets of the subcontinent. However, the trails were too hazardous, angry rivers too horrifying to contemplate, storms and avalanches caused even the most intrepid to quail on the high passes and in the desolate gorges.
It was in fact, the great Han empire of China that extended its influence towards this part of the world and controlled roads leading through it. The most important item of trade, in which China was interested at that time was the export of Chinese silk and hence the popularity of the name. The Silk Route, which traversed the Tarim basin in its westward extension through
Central Asia to meet the markets in the Mediterranean coast. From second century B.C. to about fifth century A.D. the trade continued to flow. Thereafter the rise of the Hsiung-nu dislocated trade connections and the name of Silk Route survived in legendary tales only.
The ancient Silk Route started at Ch'angan (modern Si-gan-fu, former capital of the province of Shen-si) on the north-western borders of China and skirted the Gobi desert westward to Dun-huang, where it bifurcated into two - one passing the northern edge of the Tarim basin through the world famous Turfan treasures, Aksu and on to Kashgar; and the second followed the southern edge at the foot of Kun Lun and reached Khotan, Yarkand and on to Kashgar. The journey westward was either over the north of Pamir towards Samarkand or across the smaller valleys south of it through Wakhan, Badakhshan and onwards to Bactria north of the Hindukush in the valleys of the Oxus. It is the centres on the southern route that threw down paths around the FIun Lun towards Karakorum region, opening a passage for trade to the Indo-Gangetic plains. From time to time the passage has varied, depending upon its starting point in Khotan, Qargalik or Yarkand, the eastern-most being the Khotan route across the upper valley of Yarkand river over to Kun Lun. On the South it crossed the Muztag river and after passing through Shimshal reached the main channel of Hunza river. But a route from Yarkand proper would follow its tributary of Tashkurgan river and reach the town of that name and branch off either towards Wakhan or towards Khunjrab. It is the Wakhan route that can be reached directly from Gilgit, Chilas or Chitral over high passes.
The following two quotations of the two world famous ancient travellers, that is Mr.Hiuen Tsang and Mr. Sung-Yung-Yun throw sufficient light on the problems of the old Silk Route. Hiuen Tsang described his journey to Swat in the following words:
"The road was difficult and broken, with steep crags and precipices in the way. The mountain side is simply a stone wall standing up 10,000 feet. Looking down, the sight is confused and on going forward there is no sure foothold.
Below is a river called Sint-uho (Jndus). In old days men bored through the rocks to make a way, and spread out side-ladders, of which there are seven hundred (steps) in all to pass. Having passed the ladders, we proceeded by a hanging rope-Bridge and crossed the river. The two sides of the river are something less than 80 paces apart."
San-Yan described as under:
"The mountains here are as lofty and the gorges deep as ever. The king of the country has built a town, where he resides, for the sake of being in the mountains. The people of the country dress handsomely, only they use some leathern garments. The land is extremely ëold so much so, that the people occupy the caves of the mountains as dwelling places, and the driving wind and snow often compel both men and beasts to herd together. To the south of this country are the snowy mountains, which, in the morning and evening vapours, rise up like gem-spires".
From the description it appears to be the present Misgar area, where caves are still seen and used for living purposes. If this identification is correct, Sung-Yun must have crossed over the Mintaka pass.
The ancient approach was across the Kilk Mintaka Pass over to the opening of Misgar and onwards to Hunza. Mintaka Pass opened up in the Chinese empire on the east and Tsarist Russia on the north-west. The present opening at Khunjrab provides an easy access to China's potential trade influence down to the Arabian sea and onwards to the free world for the first time in history.
The modern K.K.H. which may also be called as a substitute of the ancient silkroute begins from Islamabad and passes through, Rawalpindi - Taxila -Hassan Abdal - Haripur - Abbottabad - Batgram -Besham Qila - Pattan -Chilas - Jaglot - Gilgit - Hunza - Gulmit - Passu - Sust and enters China atKhunjrab.
Approximate distances and travelling on the K.K.H. by light transport are given below, but much would depend on the season and the driving skill of the driver.
The K.K.H. passes through a scenic wonderland. The landscape changes almost after every mile. Along the road there are scores of sites and scenes which deserve careful study and observation and there are things which cannot be described in words alone. Above all a drive from Jslamabad to Khunjrab is a rare and life long experience which nobody can forget after going through it once.
Maintenance of road, however, is a major problem because Karakorams are active even today. There is a continual disintegration in the higher regions because of the interactions of several factors including the effects of climate variations and the forces of gravity,rain, snow,ice, mud floods etc. all play key roles in the general destruction of these mountain areas. When parts of the valley walls break away, or when the streams undercut these steepest
precipices on earth then gravity causes small and large fragments, in single pieces or in thunderous avalanches, to descend at frightening speeds to the floor of the valley. Several parts of the road, and even villages are, either washed away or buried under several thousand tons of mud. A few years ago the Batura Glacier, just a few kilometres from the beautiful Gulmit, quietly advanced and with its blunt snout nudged away the towers of a strong bridge toppling it into the Hunza river. It has not been found possible to rebuild the bridge which causes great problems during the summer season when the flow of water increases due to snow-melting.
Found in this region, and perhaps nowhere else in the world, is the snow leopard. Also, Marco Polo sheep, the Markhor and Thar (a wild goat), the Bhural (a sheep), and Deer were common, but now they are extremely rare. One of the several rare species of birds is the colourful "Ram Chakor' the ordinary Chakor, a kind of pheasant, is also found in other parts of the country, but the 'Ram' lives along the Karakoram Highway up to the Chinese border. It is much bigger than the Chakor found near Quetta, far to the southwest. Pheasants of other types also abound--the trapogan, kalege and chir. The first of these, the trapogan, is now almost extinct.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
On the Run.........
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Karakoram Highway & Skardu
After checking Skardu and what it has to offer, I will go along the KKH until I reach the Khunjera pass via K2 view point and through to China Xinjiang province.
K2 was succesfully summitted in 1954. Since then, there have been 189 summits. Forty nine climbers have died on K2, twenty-two while descending from the summit. In terms of the number of accidents that happen on the descent, it is the most deadly mountain in the world. The statistics for female climbers are particularly dramatic. Some even say K2 is "cursed" for women. Five women have reached the top, but of those 5, three died on the descent. (The other 2 have since died on other 8,000-meter peaks.)
Anyway, I am not intending to do any climbing, just thought these stats would give a bit more to K2 than just a name. I have enough with tower climbing! On the way to K2, there is apparentely a lot of unique views and peaks to pass by. There is also a large number of lakes and Glaciers which hopefully gives me some of the most amazing videos/photo shots.
I would have never through of being here in pakistan one day, even as a bag packer. Shame on me, this area of the world is just a pure blast of beauty and amazement from Nature! yeah, I know, the KKH doesnt end up just over the border in China, but if I keep on going this road, I might just not return to work afterall, I only have 6 days ;-)
Dream dream dream, take the dreams away from me, and I'll stop living!