Our destination, "Dassu", also known as Dusso or Dussu depending on the language, is located 73Km north of Besham, itself located 35 Km from Battagram. Through distances gives a rough idea of the time it should take, here its a completely different story. In time, it takes 3 hours from Battagram to Besham, and count another 2h15 to do Besham - Dassu! a total of 5 h 15 to do 108Km! Nevertheless, it feels like a 2 hours journey! The road is simply the most amazing one I have ever seen! 4 of us in this Toyota buffalo 4wd watching the scenary with speechless thoughts! Pakistan by far, ahead of any place I can think of, is the most stunning, suprising, powerful and fullfilling nature country! During this journey, we came across 7 water falls, including at least 3 of them with more than 1000m falls of water straight out from the source!
Numerous marks of the chinese work are visible on the way, and particulary the bridges! Along the road there is a very strong presence of the China/Pakistan friendship which took place to build this road!
(to be continued...)
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