At last, its time to get some rest...... pfffffff.... pfffff, this is a wierd moment, where confusion mixes up my mine as i have seriously lost any concept on the word "Home". I remember writting something about taking my home everywere I go... I guess it is still true, but god its been hard this year to even have time to think about home. This intense moving around has been a blomsom of experiences in the deepest parts of quite a few ccountries of africa! I have checked this year odometer, and it turned out that I have done more than 65000 miles by air this year, and more than 10000Km by car in the last 5 months! Checked in/out an estimated 6o hotels, and slept in about 50 different places that were peoples place, outside, offices and so forth! I have been home 2 times since last december, and spent 2 month seeing the family, the rest of this has been 10 months on the move. more than 30 flight were taken, and I went via paris in transit 9 times this year!
Tonight will be my departure for France at 2345, thats the last flight of the year, hopefully!!!!!!
When I arrive home, it will be some xmas spirit already in all minds but then, at the moment, I have no clear idea of where i'll stand in that! of course, and as it always does now, Ill be more confortable with it after a few hours back in europe! it always does that, you arrive in a new place, you feel it with you eyes and hears, and then an hour later, you are settlted in your headspace again. Not that you know really where you are but physically, but you know where you are in your head within your head. In fact, its like if my environment has shrinked to the size of a water melon. Its not important anymore where my body goes, its where my head goes that matter. In the end, when you travel extensively and alone, you loose all your marks to which you would usually refer to for guidance in all you do. The same way you use your memories of a particular moment to try and replicate the same action with no errors, you find yourself refering to a lot more things you carry in your head to manage your life in the outside environement. Its actually hard to explain this to myself, and I feel that Im writting none sense right now, as i dont exactly know what this is all about. I have not been updating this blog for sometime, simply because I have had not a single moment to think about it, or energy to take the time to work on it. Its been hectic and fantastic, but now im glad to go home! I'll probably be off for 2 month from now, but who knows what emergency may rise in 2007!
I have learned a lots of things this year, technics, cultures, peoples..... and 2007 will be the time to put it all in application for the next expriences! Below I ve put a few pictures of the recent places I have been to...
In order from up to down: Mauritius Airport, Nkayi - Congo RoC, Cameroon - Yaounde - Roger Milla the football legend, Madagascar - Fabrice and Fabrice, Madagascar - Anbrossary - Croco, Madagascar - Aboassary, Madagascar - Lemurien -Amboassary, Madagascar - Abovombe - Two beautiful girls