I might want to share my experiences, I might just want to write to myself, I already found this so useful sometimes.Anyway, it's here, Enjoy or leave it... In any case, thanks for the visit and good luck to you!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
2000 Kms journey of joy!
Im almost done with this hectic journey through south Mauritania. I had no idea, once more and as always, I discovered just one more of the wonders that nature has donated! Going on this long journey round the bush to do the job, sounded like a rather tiering thing, but at this stage, after the 1900Km we have done in 2 days, 100 Km seems like 10, and 3 hours sleep, like 6! The reward of course, is to see the unbelievable scenaries Mauritania has to offer! Anyway, since my great friend and brother from Pakistan asked me for Dunes, I guess its time to start the show!
This is just for you "Baba", you asked for Dunes, so here is my gift :-) I hope Pakistan is going along, soon you will be rewarded! Home sweet home! Ill write up some more soon, but very much on the move at the moment! Im sure you know how it goes!
This is when the green comes in! Animals here are free, they have so much flat and free space, it would probably take a life time to get across! Of course, the "Berger" aren't far, and alsway know where to find their troops at sunset!
I love africa, and trust me, its a much richer land that some thinks, its probably far beyond a lot of people's concept of happiness, but a smile like this, is on every face here, and yet, they have nothing. I Could't resist put up the below one, we stopped there to buy milk, straight out of the cow, and these kids bought me even more happiness! Tomorrow, I'll see them again!
Note for my friend below:
J'espere que tu verras cette photo, meme si je sais que tu n'arrivera peut etre pas a la trouver, faute d'internet, je sais que peut etre, tu liras ce message que nous avons laisser pour toi! Bonne chance, et que Allah te protege!
Keyve hallouka, ya akhi.Nahnou vi kaedi, nousselimou ka. Allah ya awnak ente wo khaimatak. Ahlen wo sahlen.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Mauritania (Western Africa Coast)
Its also a 700 Km white sand beach sea front. Petrol has been recently found here, and of course, foreign companies have started emerging in the capital, encouraging a rise in price of everything! Hotels have now trippled their prices in some places! 25% of the Mauritanian population is in the capital Nouakchott, and the diversity ethnologic present here is impressive!
If you have Google Earth INSTALLED, Download this, and open it! :-)
Here (in the north of the country), you can find the longest trains in the world (G.earth click here), which relay the Fer mines cargos to the port!
This vast and infinite beach and green see so far retained most of my attention! But lets see what else there is when I return from the in-coutry trip (see map).
Distances across the country are huge, and tomorrow, when I'll leave for the begining of the mission, I'll hopefully be prepared for some of the longest trips by road I have ever done! "Aioun" is at more than 1000 Kms from Nouakchott, and all this as to be done in one go on the return! Youpiee!!! :)
Anyway, hopefully I will have a lot more picture soon! I'll be back on Wednesday, inshallah. But so far I really like this dry and desert country!
Few pictures from Burkina Faso
I didnt know that crocodiles are a sacred reptile (in BKF)! like the cow is to India,while the lovely Geko (the one that wakes you up at 4:00 in the morning) is evil, and must be killed when inside a house (apparently, the Geko would bring bad luck, and could be used by the "voodoos"' to spell cast darkness) !
On the road between Fada N'gourma and Dori, its about 4 hours drive, and you do need to have a 4WD during the rainny season! You might also want at time to have a swimming suit on while sitting in the car, you never know, it could all suddenly swing!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Burkina Faso (Western Africa)
Now I am back on track, and already, I should speak in the past of the Burkina Faso! I arrived in Dubai around the 2nd of August, and after spending a suprising 2 weeks there,I was eventually sent to an other mission than the one they were planning for me. In fact, when I was in france I was told I would go for some south american countries, which I was honestly really happy to go to ( i have never been to south america), but at last, it came up with a delay! So meanwhile I had to do something else, untill the other missions gets confirmed.
Round the 15th of August, I arrived in Ouagadougou, the capital of this little country that is Burkina Faso (use to be called "Haute Volta"). It is surrounded by Ghana, Mali, Niger, Ivory cost, Benin. Its a small country and you can easily get across in a long day of drive! For my side, I only roamed around the eastern side and the capital! With only 8 days, I had to rush a little everything and get my stuff done on time! I stopped by the towns of: Ouagadougou, Fada N'gourma, Dori and Bani where I spent a night (except Bani)! It is a very nice feeling to be able to communicate in your own language! Indeed, in Burkina Faso, people speak French as a primary language, at least in the capital and big cities! I had to catch up with my french which has been the least of my words for the last two years living in my suit case! I will remember most from this sample I got of Burkina Faso, the kindness of the people, the roads flooded of water, the Malienne Mosques of Bani, and of course all the people which I had the honor to spend time with!
I dont have much time right now to write much, but at least this is what I could do for now. Ill paste below a few pictures more!